Busan Partnership Agreement for Effective Development Cooperation

• Ownership of development priorities by developing countries: Countries must define the development model they wish to implement. In particular, the Busan Partnership Document highlights a set of principles common to all development actors, which are essential for effective development cooperation. The Busan Partnership Agreement is a consensus to which a wide range of governments and organizations have expressed their support. It provides a framework for further dialogue and efforts to improve the effectiveness of development cooperation. • Development partnerships: Development depends on the participation of all actors and recognizes the diversity and complementarity of their functions. 3. The world is at a critical juncture in global development. Poverty and inequality remain the main challenge. The Millennium Declaration sets out our universal mandate for development and, with the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals less than four years away, the urgency of strong, inclusive and sustainable growth and decent work in developing countries is paramount. In addition, the Declaration notes that the promotion of human rights, democracy and good governance is an integral part of our development efforts. Nowhere are our development goals more urgent than in fragile and conflict-affected states. Political will is crucial to meeting these challenges. The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation was established as a direct result of the Busan Partnership Agreement.

The Global Partnership will help ensure accountability for the implementation of the Busan commitments at the political level. 2. The nature, modalities and competencies applicable to South-South cooperation are different from those applicable to North-South cooperation © ©. At the same time, we recognize that we are all part of a development agenda in which we participate on the basis of common goals and principles. In this context, we encourage increased efforts to support effective cooperation based on the particular situation of our country. The principles, commitments and measures agreed in the Busan outcome document are the benchmark for South-South partners on a voluntary basis. 1. We, heads of State, ministers and representatives of developing and developed countries, heads of multilateral and bilateral institutions, representatives of various types of public, civil society, private, parliamentary, local and regional organizations gathered here in Busan, Republic of Korea, recognize that we are united by a new partnership that is broader and more inclusive than ever. are based on common principles, common objectives and different commitments for effective international development. After a year-long process of inclusive consultations, the document was finalized at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Development Effectiveness. The Busan Partnership Agreement was supported by the government, civil society, the private sector and other actors participating in the Forum. These principles common to all development actors were adopted in 2011 by representatives of government, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector, foundations and other actors.

It focuses on: ownership of development priorities by developing countries; Results-oriented; development partnerships; Transparency and shared accountability. • Results-oriented: sustainable impact should be the driving force behind investment and efforts in development policy The principles and standards of development cooperation established by the OECD`s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) come in different forms. While a few become official and legally binding instruments of the OECD, most of them are only indicative guides but very influential, as they represent the political will of the supporters. This series brings them together. If you represent a government agency, organization, company or international organization and would like to join the Global Partnership, please email info@effectivecooperation.org. The Busan Partnership Agreement sets out principles, commitments and measures that form the basis for effective cooperation in support of international development. All development actors – including traditional donors and emerging suppliers – must respect and defend these key principles by keeping the promises they made in Busan. To do this, the Global Partnership must be based on a strong vision, high-level political commitment and a robust but flexible global accountability mechanism. 4. As we reaffirm our commitments to development, we see that the world has changed profoundly since development cooperation © began more than 60 years ago. Economic, political, social and technological developments have revolutionized the world we live in. Nevertheless, poverty, inequality and hunger persist.

Eradicating poverty and addressing global and regional problems that negatively affect the citizens of developing countries are essential to ensure the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and a more robust and resilient global economy for all. Our success depends on the results and impact of our joint efforts and investments as we address challenges such as health pandemics, climate change, economic downturns, food and fuel price crises, conflicts, fragility and vulnerability to shocks and natural disasters. Countries and organizations that have supported the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation Your IP address has been automatically blocked due to excessive use of the website. Countries and organizations participating in HLF-4 have been included in the list of supporters of the Busan Partnership Document, unless otherwise stated. • Transparency and shared accountability: Development cooperation must be transparent and accountable to all citizens FOURTH HIGH-LEVEL FORUM ON DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION EFFECTIVENESS, BUSAN, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Enter your email address below and we will send you instructions to reset > Blog: Busan Aid Effectiveness Forum: A Victory for the Poor?. If the address matches an existing account, you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your BUSAN PARTNERSHIP FOR EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION password. .